Yummy Tacos!

In week ten term one we made a recipe on how to make tacos! We had to include everything that we needed it took me 8 steps to include everything even the enjoy part!

I found writing the instructions a bit hard but typeing it was really easy!

Next time I will try not to take that long to finish the taco recipe!

Let me know what I could do next time!

One thought on “Yummy Tacos!

  1. Kia Ora, Zoe!
    I really enjoyed reading your blog post.( I like the picture of the tacos 🙂)
    I like doing a bit of baking and cooking myself, but I’ve never made tacos!
    I’m vegaterian, so I’d leave out the chicken, but otherwise, this looks like a great recipe.
    I can’t wait to see what you blog about next week!
    – Esther🙂

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