Category: Hanga | Create

Fun P.E!

For P.E we were learning to hit and catch a ball. Firstly we had to try and bounce the ball into the hula-hoop. Then after we had tryed doing that we had to try hit a ball with a tennis racket and get the ball into the hoop.

I found most of the hitting hard but not the catching.

I found catching the ball easy.

Next time I hope we can play a game with a ball.

What did we hit the ball with?

New Novel!

This term we are reading The City Of Ember for our new novel. This book is about kids who has to pick a piece of paper to determine there jobs out of a bag when they reach a certain age. The city is running out of suppiles and there city is only supposed to last for 200 years and that time is almost up. Doon and Lina are the main characters. When Lina picked her paper out of the bag she got a job she didn’t like. When Doon picked his paper out he didn’t like his choice either, so they swapped. Now they are both happy

I wonder what happenes next?

Do you want four days at school?

Last week for writing we had to write a persuasive piece of writing about if we should have five or four days at school. I thought we should have only four days at school so teachers get a break from teaching, we can hang out with friends and we wont talk to our friends that much because we got to hang out in the weekend.

I found writing one of my reason a bit hard because I didn’t know what to type.

I found the rest of my writing easy.

Next time i’ll think of different reasons.

Do you want four days at school?

Baddie Airlines

This week for reading we had to design the inside and the outside of our own private plane. My airplane is called “Baddie Airlines” and i’ts pink. My bed is a darkish green colour with a black stripy pillow. The kitchen has a white fridge, yellow oven, a blue sink and orange counter. My bathroom is an all blue bathroom with a toilet, shower and a sink. The seats are also blue.

I found making the bathroom hard because I had to make everything small

I found most of it easy

Next time I will use different colours.

What is my plane called?

Typing Time

For spelling this week we had to write our words 10 times each. These were part of our must do’s! It was quite fun actually and my fingers didn’t hurt as much becasue I was using my chromebook. I kinda forgot how to spell them becasue I was typing them so many times.

I found spelling them hard because I forgot how to spell them .

I found most of it easy because I was using my chromebook.

Next time I hope to do it faster.

Do you know how to spell my words?


My holiday adventure!

In the holidays I went to Marlie-May’s house and we went in the spa. The spa was about 40 degrees and it was really hot outside! Marlie-May and I  also went to the Dairy to get some lollies.When we were walking back to Marlie-Mays house we stopped to play at the park. When we were at the park the swings were stuck, we tried to get them undone but we couldnt. So then we went to the skatepark to play. Then we finally walked back to Marlie-Mays house and when we got there we made a fort and played roblox. When we were in the fort we grabbed Teddy’s dog bed. Teddy didnt really want to come into the fort so Marlie-May and I were sad. After a little bit I had to go home but Marlie-May bought her ipad in the car and was playing Minecraft.


In the first week of the holidays I went to Lake Daniells. I went with lots of my freinds. There names were Emma, Ben, Kristy, Nelly, Erin, Roussow and Lisa, but me my mum and my brother also went. The walk to the hut is about 8.3km and that took us about 2 and a half hours. But we also stayed a night in the hut. When we walked out of the the bush we all descied we would go to the hot pool. The hot pools smelt yucky because it was a all natural pool.

Yummy Cookies😋

For Fun Day Friday I am in cooking. We made some delicious cinnamon scrolls and we also had to walk down to Granger House. We delivered some of our baking to the staff who work at Granger House.

Next time I hope our cooking group can make ice cream!

I found cutting them hard because I thought I might cut my finger

Have you ever baked cinnamon scrolls?

Tricky Maths

For maths we had to compelte four questions on a google slide here is my working out.

4×8=32  1×10=10.  2×9=18.  32+10+18=60

As you can see 60 is the answer

Next time I really hope our class can do more math questions

I didnt really find anything hard becuase they were easy

I found everything easy and I also did everthing super fast

Would you work the answer out like I did?

Finley is cool!

This week for cybersmart we had a partner and we had to go and look on their blogs. The things in my boxes is stuff that I found out about Finley using her blog.

I found nothing hard because I know her quite well

I found everything easy

Next time I hope to get a new person so I can get to know them

What is Finleys favorite coulour?

Chocolate Doughnut.

For writing we had to persuade Miss Cadigan to choose our doughnut so the class could make them. Eli’s and Willow’s got chosen. I had Eli’s, his was a chocolate doughnut with sprinkles and two white chocolate buttons, it was delicious. I was going to have Willow’s but I don’t like berries and hers was a berry one.

I think Eli’s was the best.