Charlotte’s Web

This week we hade to make a diorama of the barn in Charlotte’s Web.

We used egg cartons, paint, popsicle sticks, paper, feathers and mini pegs it was really fun to make but it took us a while to do.

It took us all week to do we fought about nothing because we all had the same ideas.

Perfect Writing.

In writing we had to write a piece of writing why you think that people should wear a uniform when you read my work please tell me if I could have done anything different or better? While I was doing this activity I found writing in my book hard because my hand started to hurt it was really easy to type this on my computer and next time I hope to do it quicker.What school do people get bullied at?

Zoe Blog Reply

For cybersmart we had to reply to some commets for when we get them on our blog post. It was really fun. I found moving the arrows was easy and I found nothing hard. Next time I want to do it faster.  What is the guys name who made the mihi?

My Dream Rainbow House!

In week five, six and seven we drew our dream houses and then we had to write about our house on a google drawing. We had to write a introduction for out outside and then we choose 3 room s and then write about them

My favorate part about doing this is the drawing!

The hardest part was the coloring because we had to press hard!

Next time ill try to make it bigger!

What color is my dream house bed?

Yummy Tacos!

In week ten term one we made a recipe on how to make tacos! We had to include everything that we needed it took me 8 steps to include everything even the enjoy part!

I found writing the instructions a bit hard but typeing it was really easy!

Next time I will try not to take that long to finish the taco recipe!

Let me know what I could do next time!

Amazing Me!

In class we made an All About Me profile. It had to include our name, age, dream holiday, picture of outself a new skill we wanted to learn and out favourite food we were also able to add other to about our self if we wanted to.

I enjoyed finding backgrounds and other little things I foud it a bit hard tofind pictures of my freinds if I had to do this a again I would maybe change up the pictures and background!

What is my age…?

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