Tag: Holiday Recap

My holiday adventure!

In the holidays I went to Marlie-May’s house and we went in the spa. The spa was about 40 degrees and it was really hot outside! Marlie-May and I  also went to the Dairy to get some lollies.When we were walking back to Marlie-Mays house we stopped to play at the park. When we were at the park the swings were stuck, we tried to get them undone but we couldnt. So then we went to the skatepark to play. Then we finally walked back to Marlie-Mays house and when we got there we made a fort and played roblox. When we were in the fort we grabbed Teddy’s dog bed. Teddy didnt really want to come into the fort so Marlie-May and I were sad. After a little bit I had to go home but Marlie-May bought her ipad in the car and was playing Minecraft.


In the first week of the holidays I went to Lake Daniells. I went with lots of my freinds. There names were Emma, Ben, Kristy, Nelly, Erin, Roussow and Lisa, but me my mum and my brother also went. The walk to the hut is about 8.3km and that took us about 2 and a half hours. But we also stayed a night in the hut. When we walked out of the the bush we all descied we would go to the hot pool. The hot pools smelt yucky because it was a all natural pool.