Tag: Reading

Frayer Model 1😎

For our reading challenge we had to choose a word from The Boy in Striped Pyjamas. First of all we had to use the dictionary to find out the definition and copy and paste it from the dictionary. Then we had to find out some facts for the word holocaust. After that then I had to write a example using the word holocaust. Finally I had to use a non-example but still using the word holocaust but using it incorrectly.

I found this task easy

The only thing I found hard was making up my example


England Reading


This week I was reading about England and one of my choose one cards was make a blooket about what I had read. If you click on the link you can even play my blooket! If you do play my blooket make sure to tell me what you think off it! Before I made this blooket I had to anwser two questions. My other choose one task card was create a map to show the setting of the article or story. Out of the two choose one task I felt like I would enjoy making the blooket more than making a map. When I was making the blooket it took me around 10-15 minutes. When I was making the blooket I had to go back and reading some more information to make the questions! Mackenzie and I played my blooket I won because I knew all of the anwsers to the questions.

Next time if I got to choose out of my two options I would choose the map because I already made a blooket.

I found going back and reading it again boring/annoying.

Have you ever made a blooket for reading? If so was it fun playing it with ohter people?

Board Game

This week we had to travel to Australia. Once we had read a story about Australia we had to desgin a board game. My board game is pretty easy. Heres how to play. Pick a card from the deck and dont show anyone, act out your card and let people guess. If the people cant guess in 30 seconds you get a point, first to 10 points wins!

Have you ever made a board game?

Choose One

Last week for reading my group read about Antarctica. When we were learning about Antarctica we had to read two storys or articles. I read two articles. Once we had finished reading we had to choose one activity. I choose to do a Breaking News activity.

Have you ever watched Breaking News?


New Novel!

This term we are reading The City Of Ember for our new novel. This book is about kids who has to pick a piece of paper to determine there jobs out of a bag when they reach a certain age. The city is running out of suppiles and there city is only supposed to last for 200 years and that time is almost up. Doon and Lina are the main characters. When Lina picked her paper out of the bag she got a job she didn’t like. When Doon picked his paper out he didn’t like his choice either, so they swapped. Now they are both happy

I wonder what happenes next?

Baddie Airlines

This week for reading we had to design the inside and the outside of our own private plane. My airplane is called “Baddie Airlines” and i’ts pink. My bed is a darkish green colour with a black stripy pillow. The kitchen has a white fridge, yellow oven, a blue sink and orange counter. My bathroom is an all blue bathroom with a toilet, shower and a sink. The seats are also blue.

I found making the bathroom hard because I had to make everything small

I found most of it easy

Next time I will use different colours.

What is my plane called?

Charlotte’s Web

This week we hade to make a diorama of the barn in Charlotte’s Web.

We used egg cartons, paint, popsicle sticks, paper, feathers and mini pegs it was really fun to make but it took us a while to do.

It took us all week to do we fought about nothing because we all had the same ideas.

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